Regulatory Know-How You Can Count OnAir Permit and Regulatory Compliance Assistance
Compliance with air permits and air regulations is challenging and often not straightforward, particularly at landfills. In our area of expertise, we provide compliance monitoring and reporting services that are second to none. We are creative and know what regulators respond to and want to see. We pride ourselves with having staff that are strong writers, which is critical in compliance reporting. With a well-developed approach driven by decades of experience, we help you comply with all levels and types of air permits…from simple general permits to complex major source permits. Compliance reporting for Title V, EG/NSPS/NESHAP, and Federal Greenhouse Gas regulations (GHG) are all specialties. We perform air permit required monitoring and reporting, assist with agency notifications, emission inventory calculations, GHG calculations and reporting, Title V Compliance Statement and Semiannual Report, air dispersion modeling, Tier 2 NSPS/NESHAP sampling and reporting, and visible emission and limited stack testing. Come to us for all your air compliance needs.
Our ES team also supports both our internal OM&M or your OM&M team by helping to ensure all permit required tasks, inspections, and monitoring, particularly continuous control device monitoring, monthly landfill gas wellhead monitoring and quarterly surface emission monitoring, are completed and documented properly, including all required follow up. If it isn’t documented, it didn’t happen!

Methane Gas and Water Quality Monitoring and ReportingSolid Waste Permit and Regulatory Compliance Assistance
While Integrity performs general solid waste permit compliance assistance including waste acceptance reports, waste-in-place/capacity remaining reports, post-closure ins financial assurance estimates, and other deliverables, our specialties in this area are methane monitoring and reporting and water quality monitoring and reporting.
Our expert landfill gas techs have a broad geographic reach and have provide both perimeter and interior methane monitoring and reporting at over 75 landfills and other facilities across the eastern U.S. We own all of our equipment and fully understand reporting timelines and corrective action requirements.
We also perform and oversee water quality monitoring reporting at dozens of landfills and other facilities. We host water quality databases and utilize state of the art software that we use as powerful tools for statistical analysis, general data analysis, mapping, and reporting. We have our own in-house team of trained, expert samplers, and also team with a variety of other trusted companies to expand our geographical reach. We own most of our own sampling equipment. Our professional geologists and field techs organize and oversee abandonments and installation of water quality monitoring wells and piezometers. We prepare and submit periodic water quality monitoring plans and reports, alternate source demonstrations, assessment monitoring plans, and corrective action plans. Let Integrity meet your Solid Waste compliance needs.
Storm Water Plans and NPDES ComplianceStorm Water Permit and Regulatory Compliance
Integrity assists our clients with NPDES industrial discharge and construction permit compliance, stormwater management system permit compliance, and other stormwater related compliance through inspecting discharge systems, providing regulatorily required training, collecting and analyzing samples, submitting discharge monitoring reports (DMRs), assessing corrective actions, and conducting other tasks as needed. We are experts in preparation of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) and conducting annual NPDES compliance reviews.

All Things EnvironmentalOther Compliance Support
In addition to our primary specialties, Integrity Environmental Solutions also conducts Phase I and II Assessments, environmental investigations, life cycle analyses, and general sampling of all media. We have partnerships with a variety of national labs – if it needs sampled, we can do it. We assist with storage tank management and produce compliant Spill, Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC) plans tailored to your facility. If you have an environmental need, we’ll meet it!