Your One-Stop Solid Waste Air Permitting ShopAir Permit Services
Integrity is a recognized expert for air permitting services for the solid waste industry. Due largely to our mix of focused technical expertise and efficient solutions, we have obtained, renewed, or modified all varieties of air permits for hundreds of facilities and clients in multiple states. We seek to find the permitting approach that meets your needs…including finding and offering permitting strategies that limit requirements and costs to you. Is there a permit exemption we can apply and avoid the need for a permit entirely? What is the lowest category of permit we can utilize? What approaches do we have to avoid major source status under the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) program? Can we take limits to reduce permit burden? What is the most efficient way on the ground to meet potential permit requirements and maximize flexibility? Permit planning and regulatory understanding goes hand in hand with facility and expansion planning.
We maintain relationships with multiple state agencies and understand both the core Federal regulations and the nuances of air regulations from state to state. Many regulators come to us for unbiased feedback and our real-world knowledge of how landfill air regulations are interpreted and executed on the ground. We have the ability to do everything you need from project inception to permit issuance, including…emission and air dispersion modeling; collecting necessary samples and data; inventorying emission sources, pollutants, and operating modes; calculating potential emissions; reviewing potentially applicable regulations; coordinating with air permitting agencies; preparing permit applications; and finally reviewing draft permit conditions and coordinating permit issuance.
While we have permitted facilities as diverse as asphalt plants, painting operations, and aggregate processing and screening facilities, our focus is on landfills. We are experts in Title V regulations and all NSPS/NESHAP/EG rules associated with landfills and their ancillary operations. We have obtained permits for passive flares, open flares, enclosed flares, oxidizers, gasifiers, pyrolysis units, landfill gas fired engine plants, and RNG plants. We keep up to date with ever changing regulations. To that end, we perform significant air permitting work for the nation’s largest private waste companies, who demand that level of service and knowledge at a competitive price.
Renewals, Modifications, and New FacilitiesSolid Waste Permitting
Integrity has a growing client and project list of solid waste permitting. Though traditionally not our main focus, our clients’ appreciation for our other work has led them to push us into this service line. We generally focus on permit renewals and permit modifications for existing solid waste facilities, though we also perform initial design and solid waste permitting for new landfills and waste processing facilities as well. Our staff has written and reviewed literally hundreds of Operations Plans. Because we focus on this narrow area, we are able to offer focused expertise based on real world experience as well as competitive costs.
Need That Storm Water Permit? Call Integrity.Other Environmental Permitting
Integrity can obtain just about any type of environmental permit you need. If we can’t do it, we’ll say so, and will direct you to someone we trust who can. We perform NPDES Stormwater Permitting, both general construction and industrial operations permits, as well individual NPDES permits when needed. We have obtained water use/withdrawal permits in multiple states. We perform stormwater management system design and permitting. Our staff have written literally hundreds of Stormwater Pollution Prevent Plans (SWPPPs) and Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plans. We have permitted petroleum storage tank installations and obtained local development permits when needed. If you have a permitting need of any kind, we’re a great place to start and may be your one-stop shop